~Scuba Diving in Bohol~

  My second visit to Bohol was undoubtedly a remarkable one. Unlike my first visit, I spent it with some sea activities. Let me start off by sharing about scuba diving. As what I mentioned on my last post, I missed it due to my tooth extraction. That being said, I can only show youContinue reading “~Scuba Diving in Bohol~”

Applying for a Tourist Visa to Japan: A Step-by-Step Guide

Planning a trip to Japan as a tourist and feeling uncertain about securing a tourist visa? Worry not! Here are some valuable tips based on personal experience to guide you through the process. Requirements: Things to remember Sponsored visa I traveled to Japan as a tourist with a guarantor, my boyfriend. He had been workingContinue reading “Applying for a Tourist Visa to Japan: A Step-by-Step Guide”

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

Expecto Patronum! If you’re a Harry Potter fan, then I am pretty sure you are familiar with this spell. Just like you I am a self proclaimed Potterhead. Hence, when the opportunity of going to Japan knocked last year, I welcomed it with open arms and stepped into the world of magic, the Harry PotterContinue reading “The Wizarding World of Harry Potter”