Celebrating Love at Hoshino Resorts Kai Beppu

On our wedding anniversary, my husband reserved a stay at a beautiful resort hotel a whole month in advance. It’s quite unusual to find a beach resort in Japan, but onsen resorts are common. Onsen resorts are exactly what we like, hence, Hoshino Resorts Kai Beppu, a luxurious hot spring hotel, is our choice. WeContinue reading “Celebrating Love at Hoshino Resorts Kai Beppu”

So How Do Japanese Husbands Treat Their Wives In Japan?

To begin, I won’t generalize the experiences of every housewife in Japan because I can’t speak to how each husband treats his wife. Instead, I’ll focus on my own marriage. While I’ve heard plenty about marital dynamics in Japan, such as the stereotype that Japanese husbands don’t pitch in with household chores, my perspective isContinue reading “So How Do Japanese Husbands Treat Their Wives In Japan?”

Embracing Forgiveness

“ I learned that people make mistakes, and you have to decide if their mistakes are bigger than your love for them. ” Angie Thomas In her impactful quote, Angie Thomas encapsulates a profound truth about the complexities of human relationships: people are fallible, prone to making mistakes that test the bounds of love andContinue reading “Embracing Forgiveness”