Expecto Patronum! If you’re a Harry Potter fan, then you’re probably well-acquainted with this iconic spell. Just like you, I proudly declare myself a Potterhead. So, when the chance to visit Japan arose last year, I eagerly embraced it, venturing into the enchanting realm of magic—the Harry Potter World! Universal Studios Japan, also known as USJ, is the ultimate destination to experience the breathtaking world of the beloved movie series. Let me share some of the captivating photos I captured during my visit.

As I strolled among the towering pine trees, my gaze was captured by a familiar sight: this car. In the movie, it was Arthur Weasley who ingeniously modified this car to fly and become invisible.

As I entered the realm of magic and spells, the sight of the Hogwarts Express immediately sent shivers down my spine. It was a moment filled with goosebumps and awe.

Zonko’s, Owl Post, cozy cafes, Butterbeer, wands, and every other magical item you can imagine—all right here. The winter ambiance adds an extra layer of enchantment to the experience, doesn’t it?

Ah, Butterbeer! A non-alcoholic delight that tastes as sweet as heaven itself. It’s a must-try, despite being a tad pricey. Don’t miss out on this magical treat!

At this place, you’ll be delighted to discover Harry’s countless letters and feast your eyes on even more Harry Potter treasures like broomsticks, uniforms, and other magical paraphernalia.

As I caught a glimpse of it from afar, I was utterly mesmerized. Each step closer filled me with an overwhelming sense of wonder and awe. “Wow! Great! Amazing!” escaped my lips repeatedly as I approached. I’ve seen it countless times on screens, but standing in front of the iconic Hogwarts Castle was a truly magical and indescribable experience.

Inside the castle, everything closely resembled what I had seen in the movies. The moving portraits, the books, the lamps—every detail was there. Although I couldn’t take many photos because our main focus was the Forbidden Journey ride. My boyfriend was thrilled to experience it, and thanks to our special tickets, we bypassed the long queue. My heart raced with anticipation as we approached. Despite hearing some negative reviews about feeling dizzy or even getting sick afterward, my boyfriend encouraged me to give it a try. And you know what? I have no regrets. I didn’t feel dizzy at all; instead, I had an incredible time. Flying alongside Harry Potter in 3D felt unbelievably real. You should definitely give it a try!
That’s all for now. I’ll share more about my USJ Harry Potter World experience next time. But let me tell you, it’s definitely worth noting!
It isn’t necessary to enter the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. But to avoid problems, you had better purchase express pass. If you wanna try the rides in Hogwarts Castle without falling in a long queue, express pass is very useful. Here’s the link for further understanding. http://www.usj.co.jp/e/ticket/express_pass.html. We bought it online and in advance since we wanted to avoid chaos vying for tickets. I’m sorry I can’t explain to you well. Please do check out the link. Thanks for dropping by!
Do you need an express pass to enter the wizard of world? Or is the pass just for the rides?