To immerse in one of the most popular cultures in Japan, which is the ‘onsen’ aka bathing in a hot spring, one must abide by the bathing etiquette. There are strict rules one must pay attention to. The two most important and common rules are to strip into your birthday suit, and tattoos are taboo.

Onsen Etiquette in Japan for Foreigners

Onsen bath has long been part of the Japanese culture. It’s been said to have started some 6,000 years ago, and up to this day, hot spring baths litter across the country. By that, you could tell that the Japanese are unmatched in the world for their love of hot baths.

Damnoen Saduak Floating Market: The Biggest Floating Market in Bangkok

Considered as one of the main tourist attractions in Thailand is the floating markets. The bread and butter of this country comes from its main source which is the river. That being said, don’t be surprised if you can find many where you can hop on to the very colorful boats and glide through the waterways. Experience the traditional way of shopping in Thailand in the largest floating market found in the downtown of Bangkok.