Sakura in Higashi Nagasaki Park

Hello everyone! I arrived in Japan a week ago to stay here as a resident. I considered it a perfect time because first, it’s spring. Second, a new era would soon commence.

Getting the CFO Sticker in CFO Cebu

I wasted no time the moment I got hold of my visa as I directly went to the CFO Office in Cebu. It was the only document I needed to get my CFO sticker so imagine my gratitude and relief upon knowing that they granted me one. Besides, the waiting game took over three weeks. It was hard considering the length of time I spent worrying about it.

Applying for Spouse Visa in Japan: A Step-by-Step Guide

A Filipino spouse of a Japanese national who will live with the husband or wife in Japan must apply a Spouse Visa for Japan Residency. This visa allows the spouse to stay longer in Japan until granted the permanent residency. If you have plans to work after you get used to the life there, the icing on the cake is you are allowed to work full time. Just so you know, another type of visa doesn’t give you this privilege. So, it definitely is a bonus.