Exploring the stark differences between expectations and reality in Japan became an intriguing topic when suggested by a former colleague. However, as someone who has lived in Japan for several years, I’ve grown accustomed to the exquisiteness of life here, making it a bit challenging to revisit my initial expectations. Despite the challenge, let’s delveContinue reading “JAPAN: EXPECTATION VS REALITY”

Things I Struggle With as a Foreigner in Japan

What are the things I struggle with as a foreigner in Japan? In this blog post, I want to take you on a candid exploration of my journey as a foreigner in Japan. This is a tale marked by cultural clashes and quiet victories, a firsthand account of the things I grapple with as IContinue reading “Things I Struggle With as a Foreigner in Japan”

An Unforgettable Milestone: The Day I Secured My Permanent Visa in Japan

The memory of securing my permanent residency in Japan shines brightly among the array of unforgettable milestones in my life, a radiant gem I’ll forever hold close. Its occurrence in November, a few weeks ahead of my birthday brings an additional depth of meaning that echoes the blessings I’ve received. Interestingly, obtaining this highly sought-afterContinue reading “An Unforgettable Milestone: The Day I Secured My Permanent Visa in Japan”